About Us

AussieDNS is a new web based DNS hosting service, located in Sydney Australia, with servers to be announced in various locations around the world.

It can provide primary DNS hosting for domain owners who may not have the resources or desire to set up their own DNS server. Often you register a domain because you just want to use it for a web site, or for email, without the hassle of setting up all that other stuff. Our simple web interface makes DNS easy!

 It can provide geographically isolated secondary DNS hosting for those who already have a primary DNS (perhaps on AussieDNS or elsewhere). If one of the DNS servers goes down, the others will continue to serve your domain. For those in the USA or Europe, Australia is the perfect choice for an isolated DNS, and for those in Australia, our off-shore servers are the perfect choice for you.

We are currently developing our service, and will blog about it here when we go live.

Other services to be offered include DNS based URL and email forwarding, DNS health checking tools, and an easy to use web based user interface, including statistics and reports to let you see how well our DNS is serving your domain.